Easy Instant Noodle Ramen


Putting together an elaborate ramen dish isn't practical for an everyday meal so here's an easy cheat version that tastes pretty good!

For the broth:

1/4 cup minced chicken

1 tsp chicken stock powder

1 tsp soy sauce

1 tsp oyster sauce

1 tsp ginger garlic paste

2 tsp onion paste

1/4 tsp brown sugar

1/2 tsp red chillie flakes

3 cups water

1 tsp butter

Sautee the minced chicken and onion and ginger garlic paste in butter. Once done, add the water and the rest of the ingredients and simmer slowly until it reduces to one cup of liquid.

For the noodles:

Boil the noodles but make sure they're still firm and not over cooked. A thicker instant noodle is ideal for this dish.


Caramelize some onions with garlic, ginger, and brown sugar. Chop some scallions.

Fry a chicken breast marinated in soy sauce and chillie oil until its cooked through and tender. Slice thinly.

Half boil an egg, making sure to leave the yolk moist and soft. Halve it and sprinkle salt an pepper over them.

Drain the noodles and stack them in the bowl. 

Carefully spoon the broth around the base of the noodles. 

Place the chicken breast on top of the noodles.

Sprinkle the caramelized onions  and scallions on the top. 

Drizzle garlic or chillie oil over the noodles.

Place the egg halves to a side and serve hot.


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